Shockwave Therapy
WE ARE PROUD TO SAY THAT OUR SHOCKWAVE UNIT WAS DONATED BY A GRATEFUL PATIENT, WHO WAS RESTORED TO FULL MOBILITY AFTER 20 YEARS USING WALKING STICKS BY DR LES BAILEY. Therefore, instead of the usual £80-250 per session, charged at other places, we charge our usual £35 fee.
What is Shockwave Therapy?Shockwave Therapy, (or Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy) is a powerful and safe treatment that delivers sound waves to injured areas and rapidly speeds recovery. Shockwave Therapy is non- surgical and offers an effective solution to chronic and persistent issues. We are proud to offer this latest amazing treatment.
Shockwave Therapy is clinically proven to help and is backed by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Shockwave treatment is also used by orthopaedic hospitals and by high profile professional sports associations, e.g. the English Institute of Sport, the UK Athletics, Rugby Union, and most Premier League football clubs.
Many people use Shockwave Therapy for a huge number of issues including, back pain, chronic tendonitis and many Injuries considered "old injuries"
Whatever the cause of your Musculoskeletal injury, it can be highly debilitating.
Often, people believe that surgery is the only solution for their pain, but are rightly concerned about taking a risky step. This results in their condition worsening as there is no answer to their issues.
At the back and joint pain centre in caterham, we provide a non-surgical answer which greatly aids speedy recovery.
SHOCKWAVE THERAPY involves short, intense sound waves aimed into affected tissue, resulting in increased blood flow, pain relief and stimulating repair and regeneration. The Shockwaves literally put the cells into nature's repair mode and accelerates your own body to kickstart its own healing process, negating the need for surgery or drug use.
Shockwave Therapy owes its effectiveness to..
Rapidly Stimulating the microcirculation of blood, lymph and releasing substance P, which is responsible for pain modulation It makes nitric oxide flow, which increases cell repair/neoangenesis and exerts an anti-inflammatory process, stimulating healing to the the body's cells to aid recovery Shockwave Therapy also breaks down the calcium deposits and releases myofascial trigger areas (myogeloses)
There are 2 modes of Shockwaves -
Focused (ESWT) Radial (RSWT). TheseShockwaves offer different applications eg the waves energy, and the waves density. The penetration depths to the tissue differ radial shockwaves, which have a wider spread pattern, are used for conditions closer to the skins surface, but for deeper areas we use focused shockwave therapy as the treatment choice.
Some common complaints are listed as follows but are by no means limited to:
Achilles' tendon injuries and heel pain - Achilles Tendonitis, or Plantar Fasciitis Knee or shin pain - Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper's or runners Knee), Tibial edge syndrome or shin splintsElbow pain - Lateral or medial Epicondylitis or tennis or golfers elbowCertain chronic Shoulder and neck painPersistent Back pain Non healing bone fracturesNon Healing flesh wounds Erectile dysfunction Peyronie's disease Focused shockwave Focused shockwave is a an effective treatment forKnee & Joint arthritic conditionsBone Fractures Shin Splints Groin PainAchilles PainWound Healing e.g. diabetic ulcers Old scar painImpotence
How does Shockwave have so many healing applications?
Shockwave Therapy is very effective for a lot of different conditions. The reasons for this are that Shockwaves work on your body at the cellular level to trigger healing, literally stimulating your cells to make the body heal itself. The term Shockwave Therapy is a wide term covering many forms of electrotherapy treatment.
These treatments cover focused shockwave, radial shockwaves and vibration. They all act in a vaguely similar, but slightly differing way, which results in Shockwave Therapy being able to treat all types of conditions.
Is Shockwave Treatment safe?
Yes it is! Shockwave therapy boasts a huge safety record. It has NICE guidance and is FDA approved for many conditions.
Can Shockwave treatment be used on old or chronic injuries, or is it only for acute issues?
Shockwave therapy can achieve remarkable results even with old or chronic conditions that have not responded to other therapies
Does Shockwave Therapy hurt?
Focused Shockwave is not painful but you will feel that something is happening. However, it is more a "sensation "rather than a pain. Radial Shockwave may give slight discomfort when first applied However, shockwave is delivered with a low energy at first, which is slowly increased as your body Accustoms itself to it. Shockwave Therapy causes an analgesic effect, and a high number of patients report immediate relief after shockwave, from the pain caused by their various conditions.